Monday, May 26, 2008

active learners

this week in our class. we go through the progress of our project. i have some of the questions done, but some i still have to search on them. it is really hard for me to search on information, because i am not a native speaker so it really makes me searching the informations harder, plus i get a country that didn't really involved in WWI. so i had to work harder on my project.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Burma dictatorship

in this article, i found out that the reason that Burma's dictatorship stay in power. the reason is "fear". Burma uses its military to kill people that don't obey them. so once there's a person try to start a revolution they kill them to let the people around them to be fear. since 1988, thousands of people had been killed because they try to go against the dictatorship in Burma.
after the cyclone passes, more people want to start a revolution, because they think the governments did not do a good job while the cyclone came, so Burma's politics is now in a mess. the idea of democracy had come on the stage again, to over throw the government.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

earthquake in China

this article is about Taiwan sending resources to help the people that is hurt in the earthquakes. Taiwan send 11 tons of resources to China to help them. the major resources that is send includes: blankets, drinks, food, and jackets. it is really expensive to send resources from Taiwan to China, so most of the resources that is send, are resources that is really emergent.
and as time goes there will be more and more flights sending resources to China, and also pick up people that is stuck in the airport, so they can come back.


Monday, May 12, 2008

ww2 video

i think the ww2 video is really interesting it shows as a lot of facts, and interesting history. i think i am really being an active learner and critical thinker when i am watching the ww2 videos. i also learn deeper of what are the causes and effects of ww2, and how dictatorship would came in power. me and jordan take a lot of notes while we are watching the video, which really shows us as an active learner.

critical thinker

this week in class i am really being a critical thinker in the class. because when i find some informations, i have to think critically that how can this information help me to answer my question. it is really hard to find the answer that directly answers the questions, so i have to evaluate all the informations first than answer the question after, which involves a lot of critical thinking skill, so this week i found out i was really a critical thinker.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Burma Dictatorship

In Burma, their dictatorship is facing biggest street protest for two decades. the protests are lead by the young buddhist monks. they think that they should have more political freedom in Burma, so they protest one the streets to fight for more political freedoms. there are estimated about 400000 to 500000 monks that fight against the dictator. many of them were young, and because that they are young, they know that they should have more political freedom, so they fight against the dictatorship in Burma.